
How To Make Cleaning Fun? 11 Tips To Know

A happy home is a clean home, but is it possible to be cheerful while cleaning? You might only get a few affirmative responses if you ask 100 people if they enjoy cleaning their homes.

If you give it some thought, you may realize that a mental obstacle is one of the reasons why many people dislike housework: You’ve been trained to associate housekeeping with tedious tasks, correct? But who’s to say it can’t also be fun?

There are plenty of cleaning secrets to really get in between the cracks, but are there any secrets to actually making cleaning fun? We’re sharing 11 ideas that are sure to inspire you so that you won’t dread your daily or weekly housekeeping schedule.

Tips To Make Cleaning Fun

Couple Cleaning With Entertainment

Have you ever started listening to an engaging podcast or audiobook and found that the time just flew by? Charge those wireless earbuds, then get ready to lose yourself in time while performing mundane tasks like dusting, cleaning baseboards, and organizing your linen closet. Make it a rule that you can only listen to your favorite music while cleaning, and you might find that you look forward to doing your regular housework.

Buy Cleaning Supplies That You Love

Using your new, sleek Dyson makes vacuuming more enjoyable than anything else. Your cleaning day might even become Instagrammable as a result.

While it is undoubtedly not necessary to spend hundreds of dollars in order to enjoy cleaning, spending a few extra dollars on cleaning supplies that you adore, like a broom in your preferred color or scented dishwashing soap, will make the tedious tasks a little more enjoyable.

Invite Friends Over

There is no denying that cleaning can be time-consuming, particularly if you’re taking on a large task like a spring clean or move-out clean. Invite friends over to keep you company if you’re having trouble motivating yourself. Give them pizza or alcoholic beverages, ask them to assist, or just have them hang out in the room and talk while you work. In case they ever ask, remember to return the favor!

Have A Dance Party

Play your favorite music loudly while moving through each room if you’re home alone. You’ll be more likely to keep moving because the music will help set a pace for your cleaning. By setting small goals for yourself, such as wiping down all the surfaces in your living room before a song ends, you can take this advice to the next level. In no time, you’ll finish!

Catch Up On Phone Calls

Due to their busy schedules, many people today only communicate with friends and family via text or social media. Use cleaning as an opportunity to make a surprise call to your grandparents or your best friend from college if it has been a while since you spoke with them. You can catch up while putting socks together or organizing your closet.

Make It A Game

To keep you interested in the process, make mundane housework into a fun game. Cleaning with kids is also a breeze when using this method. While folding laundry, cleaning bedrooms, and doing other household chores, there are countless games that can be played. For inspiration, consider these ideas:

  • Pick up and put away only items that fall under the designated color. Choose a different color and repeat with that once you’re done.
  • Estimate how long it will take to finish tasks like organizing your pantry or cleaning out the trash. See if you’re right by setting a timer.
  • Invite family members to a race to see who can tidy up their bedroom the fastest. Let the winner decide what you’ll eat for dinner or what movie you’ll watch later.

Get The Kids Involved

In the event that you have children, cleaning up after them will probably take up a significant portion of your cleaning time. Getting your kids to clean is harder said than done, but there are many strategies you can use to engage them without giving them away that they are helping you clean.

Here, you can include games (pick up only the pink toys, then only the green toys, etc.).) or help them craft a daily chore list that they can take responsibility for and reward them with a good old-fashioned gold star when they complete each task. A coupon for “five more minutes on the iPad” is given for collecting five gold stars. You set the rules and are aware of what will inspire people.


Make Cleaning A Workout

Unbelievably, a good cleaning session can raise your heart rate. This is particularly valid if you’re performing labor-intensive tasks like cleaning the shower or mopping the floor. Put on your fitness tracker and start moving. Decide how many calories you want to burn or how many minutes you want to spend cleaning before you stop. You won’t have to worry about not having time to work out while you’re cleaning the house.

Set A Time Limit

The overwhelming sense of “this will never end” that comes with chores makes up a significant portion of the cleaning burden. How can I stop feeling that way? Make it end.

Set a time limit for how long you’ll clean, like one hour of cleaning and then one hour of your favorite TV show. Perhaps you’d prefer to spend your entire Saturday cleaning, but whatever isn’t finished by six o’clock must be done. will have to wait until your next designated cleaning day.

Invest In Better Gear

You’ll have a miserable time at work if your cleaning supplies are defective or ineffective. Stock up on microfiber rags and sponges, a quality microfiber mop and dusters, a reliable vacuum, and so on. When you don’t have to struggle with each task, the cost of upgrading your cleaning supplies is well worth it.

Reward Yourself

Motivate yourself and other cleaners with a reward for a job well done. This is especially appealing for bigger projects and longer periods. The reward could be anything, such as a favorite meal or uninterrupted TV time (or, may we suggest, one of these house gifts that keep on giving?).

The Bottom Line

Cleaning can be cathartic for some people because it helps to clear the mind of clutter, which can be removed by decluttering the physical environment. For many others, it’s just another set of items to add to what already feels like an endless list of things to do, which only gets longer as time passes and more tasks pile up.

The items listed above will all enhance your cleaning process. So give yourself a deadline, amplify the music, and start cleaning. It won’t begin without you on that romantic evening. Look for the best concepts for you!

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