How Long Does Potpourri Last: Things You Need To Know

How Long Does Potpourri Last: Things You Need To Know

To give the house a pleasant scent, potpourri is a combination of dried flowers, leaves, and spices.

It was invented in ancient Persia as a way for royalty to hide offensive bathroom odors.

Even though it has evolved over time, many people still use potpourri because of how well it freshens the air in their homes.

This blog post will cover how to store potpourri and how long it lasts so you can make the most of your purchase.

What is Potpourri?

In an airtight container, dried herbs, spices, and flowers are combined to create potpourri.

In the home, potpourri is frequently used to spruce up space by dispersing scents into the air, such as perfumes or aromatherapy oils.

The different colors add creativity to any room, while the pleasant aromas make your home smell nice.

Cinnamon sticks, cloves, lavender buds, and citrus peels are a few additional ingredients that are occasionally added to potpourri mixtures for their fragrant qualities.

Because potpourri blends are said to have healing properties, some people may use them energetically.

There is something for everyone in the wide variety of colors and scents available in dried potpourri.

We suggest taking a look at Fox River Paper Company’s scented selection if you’re looking to buy dried potpourri online.

With its lovely flowers or herbs that bloom at different times of the year, potpourri can be enjoyed all year long. Summer potpourris are frequently scented with lavender.

In contrast, Fall blends might have hints of cinnamon or cloves.

There is never a bad time of year to use this easy homemade fragrance source in your home.

How Long Does Potpourri Last?

An ornamental element that is frequently disregarded is potpourri.

It collects dust and waits to be used to refresh the air in the room, or it is stuffed into a drawer with other stale items that were meant to be discarded a long time ago.

Due to the chemicals that are released gradually over time, potpourri may not last as long.

High-quality products should be used for a potpourri that has a longer-lasting scent because the quality of your ingredients will also affect how well they last.

Using less fragrant items might help keep the aroma from becoming overpowering. You can also try refreshing them frequently to help keep the aroma fresh.

In general, potpourri ought to endure for at least a few months.

Using high-quality ingredients and regularly refreshing your potpourri, however, can help it last longer.

Additionally, keep in mind to store them in an airtight container with a wide, shallow opening to prevent the scent from evaporating.

How to Store Potpourri?

In glass jars, potpourri is typically kept.

Glass takes in the potpourri’s scent and stops it from fading over time.

Your pot will retain its scent the longest if you store it on a cool, dark shelf away from direct sunlight.

Keep it out of direct sunlight and at room temperature.

Because ovens and radiators can produce temperature fluctuations, keep the jar away from them on a shelf to prevent the scent from deteriorating over time.

How Long Does Potpourri Last: Things You Need To Know

How to Refresh Potpourri?

Try using potpourri if you want to spice up the atmosphere in your home with a pleasant scent and some color.

1. To revive old potpourri, switch it out for new potpourri of a different scent.

2. “Revamp” that old potpourri by using small samples of vials of perfume or cologne you get at fragrance counters, such as the ones found at department stores or makeup stores, and sprinkle on some oil before tossing it in your home.

3. Keep your scented oils in your collection. Instead, use them to revivify the potpourri in your house; just keep in mind that a little goes a long way in this case.

When it comes to making potpourri and updating old ones, there are many options.

Find what works best for your home by experimenting.

How to Tell If Potpourri is Bad?

Without having a real plant, potpourri is a fantastic way to give the space some life and zing.

But how can you tell if potpourri is bad if you have some?

You must start by searching for any discolorations.

If it’s yellow or brown, mold spores are present and the potpourri needs to be thoroughly cleaned.

If you experience any of these symptoms after being around your potpourri, it could be because of mold, which can lead to health issues like itching, asthma flare-ups, sore throats, sneezing, watery eyes, and more.

The second indication that your potpourri might not be brand new is a musty smell.

Open the top lid of the container, take a few deep breaths, and watch for any unusual occurrences for a few minutes.

This should help you determine the potpourri’s strength of smell and whether it’s a good idea to smell it.

The time for a change may have come if any of these conditions are true.

Tips to Make Potpourri Last Longer

Super-Power Your Potpourri

Your potpourri has to work extra hard if your bathroom has a foul odor.

Put a hidden charcoal briquette in your potpourri bowl to trap odors. Not only that, but it will absorb moisture, preventing the growth of mold and mildew in the bathroom (just be sure to use briquettes that haven’t been soaked in lighter fluid). Your potpourri’s lovely scent will then be even more enjoyable.

Use Vodka to Keep Potpourri’s Scent Longer

You can use vodka to preserve the scent of potpourri, as we mentioned in our opens in a new window podcast on getting rid of household odors.

Revitalize Dusty Potpourri

Maintaining cleanliness is important for maintaining the potpourri’s fragrance. Pour your potpourri into a resealable plastic bag, zip it up, and use a fork to make a few tiny holes in the bag. This simple method will help you clean your potpourri. To collect all the dirt and dust that will fall through the holes, shake the bag over a trash can. Your potpourri is in like-new condition now!

Add Scent Back to Potpourri

Are you disappointed if, after a few weeks, your potpourri loses its pleasant scent? To maintain its scent, spritz it with some perfume that has just opened in a new window. In the bottom of your potpourri bowl, you can also scatter some fragrant Styrofoam packing peanuts.


Potpourri is a fantastic way to create a welcoming and fresh atmosphere in your home.

Additionally, it adds a touch of aesthetic appeal that encourages you to linger in the space where it is on display.

Spray a potpourri with water if it starts to look a little dry, then set it somewhere where the sun can shine on it.

We sincerely hope that you found these suggestions useful.